Students acquired basic skills related to aerial filming techniques and data analysis with UAS.

It was concluded at Liceo Artistico "F. Mengaroni" in Pesaro, directed by Headmaster Serena Perugini, the PON module "Aerial filming techniques with drone," which involved students of the addresses "architecture and environment" and "audiovisual and multimedia."
We transferred to the students the main notions about the rules and regulations to operate safely, with a special focus on the new European Drones Regulation, aerial photography, data analysis and post-production activities. The activities took place both in the classroom and at the "Miralfiore" park in Pesaro, a flagship of the city in which students were able to practice safely.
The teaching methodologies used for the activities were "Learning by doing and by creating" and "problem solving "and the students at the end of the course made a final video about the city of Pesaro.
For NETF DRONE to be at the side of the school, to provide high quality education and training systems on UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) and their applications, is essential to ensure students' success and enhance their employability.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the students who attended the module and in particular to Headmaster Serena Perugini and Prof. Chiara Francesconi for their efforts in organizing this PON module, which was a significant moment of learning and growth for the students.

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